
What is it?

Intelligence Quotient

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a measure of a person's cognitive capabilities. It reflects how well someone can understand and solve problems, learn, and apply knowledge. Higher IQ scores indicate stronger cognitive abilities.
Intelligence Quotient (IQ), often called as IQ Level, is a total score derived from a set of standardised tests designed to assess human intelligence.
IQ tests are designed to measure a person's intellectual abilities and potential. Clinical Psychologists or Psychiatrists conduct IQ tests to assess various cognitive skills such as reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and understanding. By answering a series of questions or tasks, an individual's performance is evaluated and compared to the standardized norm of the age group.

More Details

IQ Test

How is the Intelligence Quotient Assessed?

What is it?

IQ tests are designed to measure a person's cognitive skills such as reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and understanding, by a series of tasks and questions.

Who conducts?

Clinical Psychologists or Psychiatrists conduct IQ tests to assess the intellectual abilities and potential.

How is it assessed?

By answering a series of questions or tasks, an individual's performance is evaluated and compared to the standardized norm of the person's physical age group.

Why early assessment helps your child?

Taking an IQ test at a very young age helps to identify if a child has any kind of intellectual Disability, so that clinicians can frame proper protocols for interventional therapies. Similarly, it is essential to identify a prodigious child at an early stage, so that its inherent talent can be sharpened & customized academic programme can be designed.

The Scale of IQ Levels

How is the IQ Calculated?

The key assessments of an IQ test is to identify the mental age of the child. It is essential to understand whether the child is on par or very advanced or lagging behind its peers of the same physical age group. Clinical Psychologists use standardized data and milestone parameters to derive the mental age of the child.

Then by comparing it with its chronological age (physical age since birth), the IQ is calculated. The formula for calculating Intelligence Quotient is:

The IQ levels of 90 - 110 is considered as normal, where the child's mental age is on par with its chronological age and is equal to its peers. If the IQ level is below 90, the child might face delay in cognitive development. Further, IQ levels below 60 is classified as Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability) and will require special education and different therapies for physical, cognitive and social development.

What is a Gifted Child?

The other side of the spectrum is called a Child Prodigy or Gifted Child. Typically, gifted children have an IQ level of 130 or above. They demonstrate exceptional cognitive abilities compared to their peers. These children often show advanced skills in areas such as reasoning, problem-solving, learning, and understanding complex concepts. They may also display exceptional creativity, a keen memory, and an intense curiosity about the world around them. Gifted children often grasp new ideas quickly, enjoy intellectual challenges, and may have specific areas of intense interest or talent.

Recognizing and nurturing their unique abilities is essential to ensure that, their intellectual, emotional, and social development is supported effectively. Honing their skills and continuous streamlined guidance is extremely important in the growth of a prodigy child. Parents need to understand that a gifted child with higher cognitive capabilities can also pick up negative habits, if not given proper care, guidance and emotional support from the beginning. Creating a nurturing ecosystem is essential for the proper growth of a gifted child, which includes sensory stimulation, intellectual experiences, interaction with the right people and customized learning environments.

The Need

Why Early Identification of IQ is Necessary?

Start Early! Shape your child into a prodigy!

Early Intervention

Identifies learning disabilities or giftedness early, enabling timely support and streamlining

Maximizing Potential

Helps in nurturing your child's strengths and addressing weaknesses at the nascent stage

Tailored Education

Designing a totally personalized learning plan suited to your child's cognitive abilities