• Successful
    Living Example
    Watering the Roots, Not the Leaves!

Our Story

Incubator Weak Baby turned into Indian Child Prodigy

K. Visalini was a pre-term baby born with several complications, during the 7th month of her mother's pregnancy. Doctors diagnosed that it is very hard for the baby to survive even 30 days. And, that she will be speech-impaired (dumb), even if she survived. She was kept in the incubator for about 10 days, but her health declined even further.

Her mother Mrs. Sethu Ragamaliga who worked as an Announcer at the All India Radio, quit her job to take care of her daughter. Because of her mother's tireless efforts, Visalini survived and started to speak when she was just 9 months old!

Visalini's extraordinary cognitive capabilities were identified when she was a neonate. Sethu Ragamaliga nurtured those abilities. She self-designed several cognitive stimulation strategies for her daughter. She followed the pedagogy of 'Learn while you Play' (விளையாட்டு முறையில் கல்வி).

Today, the Incubator Weak Baby has turned into an IT Whiz kid, and holds the Highest IQ in the World — IQ Level 225.

Her accomplishments and accolades in the field of Computer Science authenticate her as a zenith Child Prodigy. She secured 5 World Records and 13 International Certifications. And, has filled her house with innumerable Certificates, Prize cups, trophies, and medals.

No child in the World has an equivalent profile to that of hers, at this young age!

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About Us

Rare Opportunity to Learn from the Real-Life Prodigy Mom

Child Prodigies are not rare, but Dedicated Parents are very rare!

Each child has an extraordinary talent and ability. However, their success is possible only when the talents are nurtured and abilities are sharpened at the right time, through streamlined parenting — Proper Reinforcements, then-and-there.

Here is an unique opportunity to learn from the real-life dedicated prodigy mom — Mrs. Sethu Ragamaliga, about the secrets of how she shaped her daughter Visalini into a prodigy child!

What We Do?

Sculpting your Child's Future towards
Success and Fulfillment

Live Online Classes

Mrs. Sethu Ragamaliga shall be conducting live online class for the parents about the strategies she followed in shaping Visalini.

Scientific Methodology

In every class, we teach parents with Scientific Evidence-based strategies to stimulate your child's brain functions.

Holistic Development

We help you create a robust blueprint for your child's holistic development by honing their skills without adding any stress

Weekly Activities

We will be posting fun-filled activities on our portal every week. Parents can then upload videos of kids performing it.

Continuous Follow-Up

We offer a long-term support system & feedback channel. Parents can ask your questions directly to the prodigy mom!

Internationally Trusted

Trusted by parents across the world, our classes & services cater not only to India, but to all time-zones around the globe

Our Uniqueness

What happens inside your child's brain?

During childhood, your child's brain can develop 700 neural connections per second

A child's brain has around 100 billion neurons and trillions of neural connections forming intricate networks that shape their cognitive development. From birth to 3 years of age, each neuron rapidly connects with other neurons, at an astonishing rate of up to 700 new neural connection per second. This exponential growth means that every minute spent interacting with a child has a profound impact on their brain development.

By 6 years of age, the child's brain lays down its fundamental blueprints for future learning and behavior. Under 14 years of age, the capabilities of children can be shaped. The rapid growth of neural connections during these years highlights the need for streamlined parenting and brain stimulating activities.

Learning or Studying
Which is right for your child?

If a child understands a concept and learns it in a happy environment, the newly formed neural connections are strong. Children can recall such concepts after long durations, even after several years. Example — Learning to ride a bicycle.

But, when the child tries to study / memorize / by-heart something without proper understanding in a stressful environment, then only weak connections are formed, and can to get cut (pruned) after a short duration. That's why they often tend to forget the memorized contents.

The fundamental concept of VIKA Ragamaliga Parenting Academy is 'Learn while you Play' (விளையாட்டு முறையில் கல்வி). Our activity-based pedagogy encourages children to enjoy the learning process, without any stress at all.

Essentials of Good Parenting

Always listen patiently when your child wants to talk to you. When you pay close attention to their words, you show them that what they say matters. Be their first-responders in any matter — from appreciation to defending them in troubles. When your child shares a matter, never push your opinions / be judgemental towards them. Listen thoroughly and then discuss. Remember, your child will only learn the same way you speak to them.

Building trust with your child is essential. When they know they can openly come to you with anything, from the silliest thoughts to the most critical matters, it strengthens your bond. Fostering this habit in early age will have a profound effect when they grow up, especially during teenage (13-19 years) & young adulthood (19-25 years). Being a trustworthy parent means someone whom they can rely on for support and guidance.

Appreciating even the small accomplishments of your child promotes healthy brain activity. When you celebrate their successes, no matter how small, you boost their confidence and motivation. Simple words of encouragement will have a significant impact on their overall development. This positive reinforcement also encourages them to keep trying and learning new things.

Listen to your child

Always listen patiently & thoroughly, when your child comes to say something to you

Gain their Trust

Be your kid's best friend with whom they share everything from the silliest to critical matters

Build Conversations

Keep talking to your child today, so that the World will talk about them soon

Be Appreciative

Appreciating even the small accomplishments will promote healthy brain activity of your kid

Why Parenting Streamlining is  —  the Need of the Decade?


Underlying Issues

Problems faced by Children in Recent Times

Fine Motor Activities

Typing, Texting, Phubbing has surpassed writing, today . Auto-correct & Auto-complete prevent the children from making spelling mistakes & learning from them. Encouraging children towards creative storywriting and drawing by hand are important activities that simultaneously promote fine-motor & cognitive capabilities and enhance hand-eye coordination.

Attention Span

A Good Listener is an Effective Speaker. Recent surveys show that, the attention span in children has reduced drastically compared to previous generation. The increased social media usage is an important cause. Distracting Advertisements & the option to change the content as per one's wish is a key reason to decline in keen observation of a particular matter.

Loud Reading

Young kids should be encouraged to read aloud from text materials such as, story books / newspapers. Parents should keenly listen to their pronunciation and correct them then-and-there. In recent times, this habit has decreased drastically and causes decline in imagination. This habit stimulates the language cortex in the brain and promotes better speaking & formation of meaningful sentences.

Play Time vs. Screen Time

The productive time of children is dominated by smartphones, tablets, television, video games, and social media. Such sedentary lifestyle causes obesity & other diseases in very young age. Outdoor playtime & physical activity promotes blood flow and oxygen to the brain, which supports neural growth.

Social Interaction

Nuclear families & apartment lives in metro cities have drastically reduced the opportunities for spontaneous socialization and teamwork in children, these days. Smaller aspects such as refusing to establish & maintain eye-contact, attention-seeking, adamant behavior and hyperactivity are all results of decline in positive social interaction.

Nutrition & Food Habits

When it comes to healthy brain growth, nutritious & healthy diet is the most important element. Fast food and processed snacks are absolutely harmful to physical & mental well-being of the child. Home-cooked meals rich in leafy greens (spinach), whole grains, nuts and organic fruits, vegetables help in neuronal growth & brain stimulation.

Counteract these negative trends by prioritizing playtime, limiting screen time & fostering meaningful social interactions. Establish clear routines and encourage brain stimulating activities for your child.

VIKA Ragamaliga Parenting Academy is here to help you in your child's healthy brain growth!

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Our Pedagogy

Shape-up Your Child's Abilities with
our Unique Sensory Stimulation Methodologies

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